Monday, November 4, 2019

Not to Worry {This I Know}

If you are curious, when I have a post title that includes something in {}, that is a reference to my post categories. 

Today, what is on my mind is yet another reminder to myself not to worry. I saw this meme recently:

I have been reviewing some notes I made while reading “Fervent” by Priscilla Shirer. 

“Approach God boldly with every need. Never with a hint of fear, guilt, or shame.

“But always incubate those requests in gratitude. You’ll know you’re trusting Him when you’re simultaneously being thankful to Him... [Note to Barbara from Barbara: NOT when you’re simultaneously worrying about the things you are praying about.] ... Thankful to Him for what He’s already done, and for what He’s currently doing.

“...and whatever comes next in your life, it will undoubtedly be another opportunity for you to be swept up into your Father’s arms and carried through it. And that is where you want to be. 

“Because in His arms, you’ll know the beauty of His peace—‘the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension and which guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.’ (Phil 4:7)”

#nottoworry #peaceofGod #PriscillaShirer #GodisinControl

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