Challenge: Flower Power

Challenge: Favorite Childhood TV Program
Well, yes, and then there’s this, just in: As I mentioned recently, I am re-evaluating my involvement in so many projects/challenges/classes. (By the way, I am ALWAYS in a state of re-evaluation. That’s how I roll.)
When I take on a commitment, even if I’m the only one who knows (cares) about it, I take it pretty seriously. But then sometimes I come to realize that to keep that commitment requires NOT keeping other commitments or priorities. All that to say this: No one cares but me, but I am UN-committing myself to the Documented Life Project. Yes, after 7 1/2 months of WEEKLY assignments done, I find I am not enjoying this project, and in fact it is having a negative impact on me. So, I’m the boss of me. So, done and done, with that. Yay! Burden lifted.
It’s one of those things, I wonder why I didn’t let go a little sooner—well, because that goes back to the whole “commitment” thing, the idea of “if you start something, you should finish it,” I guess. But when it comes to my art projects, the over-riding (and yet foundational) purpose is to enjoy myself, to grow, to become more creative, to be enriched, to be inspired, and yes, to inspire. Those goals are no longer being met through that particular year-long project (a project a week for every single week of the year—WHAT was I thinking, in the first place????)!
Even though I am the only one (well, and my dear hubby who has to listen to my thought processes on a daily basis, bless his heart) who even is interested in my commitment/un-commitment, it still feels free-ing to SAY it. Done and done with Documented Life Project 2015. Ahhhhhh…..
So, I AM still enjoying the Fabulous and Free Art Journal Challenges (30 challenges in 15 weeks, but no time limit for completion). Through these challenges, I can do mixed media, sketch and paint, or whatever my heart desires. These two projects pictured here are part of that challenge.
Not that I’m left project-less, you understand. I still have my Bible Art Journaling (ongoing for the rest of my life, I hope, certainly not an assignment to be completed, in any sense of the word). And, I am spending more time lately with my first crafting love, scrapbooking. That will continue, of course (that’s what I do for posterity). More on that later. Decisions, decisions.
#RoyRogersandDaleEvans #fabulousandfreeartjournalingchallenge #mixedmedia #artjournal #goodbyedocumentedlifeproject