Monday, February 29, 2016

Role Model: Queen of Sheba {Gratitude52 Art Journal}

G52 Prompt 8 Role models

Prompt 8 for the Gratitude52 Art Journal challenge is Role Models. Coincidentally, I just purchased a book by Liz Curtis Higgs, It’s Good to be Queen: Becoming as Bold, Gracious, and Wise as the Queen of Sheba. Well, there you have it—what better role model…and what an admirable goal for life, frankly.

Being NOT SO MUCH an artist, this prompt of “role model” was challenging for me, indeed. Not thrilled with this art, but I do love the life goal that I remember, every time I look at my copy of Liz’s book! So, by illustrating it in my Gratitude Journal, the characteristics of this role model are reinforced in my heart. I desire to be…




#GratitudeJournal #Gratitude52Community #LizCurtisHiggs #QueenofSheba #sketchandpaint #watercolor #wise #bold #gracious

Friday, February 26, 2016

A Strong Tower {Bible Art}

Bible Art Prov 18-10

I like the image that came into my mind when I read yesterday’s You Version Bible Verse of the Day,

Proverbs 18:10 - "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe."

Because I am a Believer, I have personal and direct access to the God of the Universe, He who created me. He is not only my Savior, but also my protector. Why do I so often forget to call upon the “name of the Lord,” when I KNOW that He IS a strong tower, and I am safe when I run to Him.

#BibleArt #BibleArtJournaling #FaithArt #ScriptureArt #sketch #watercolor #thenameoftheLord

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Thankful for the Gift of Music

G52 Prompt 7 Music

The prompt for the Gratitude 52 Journal this week is “Music: Sketch or illustrate your appreciation for the gift of music.”

My Mamo Wilson had a grand piano. When I was very small, I loved to sit at the piano and pretend I was like my Aunt Lucy, who had an incredible talent at the piano. When my mother would tell me to “Stop banging on the piano,” my Mamo would say, “Let her play.”

1950 BK and Janene at Mamos piano

When I was 9, my family was visiting in a home that had a piano. I sat at the piano and someone helped me place my fingers on keys that I later knew to be C-E-G. I pressed down on the keys and thought it was the most beautiful sound in the world (LOVED 3-part harmony from that time forth!).

I begged my parents (who had no money, as my dad had just begun college to prepare for his ministry as a pastor, and there were four of us kids). But my mother arranged to get her piano (a Wurlitzer spinet) from her mother’s house. At 50 cents per lesson, I began, as a 5th grader. I continued with piano lessons, off and on, until I was a senior in high school, at which time I began giving lessons. I say “off and on” because when lack of money would dictate, I would have to stop taking lessons for a while. During those times, I went through my lesson books on my own.

Barbara Princess, Janene candidate, Keith Crown Bearer Russellville Oct 1960

This was Mother’s Wurlitzer. By this time (8th grade), I was playing for church and was using my allowance money to buy sheet music, like “He” (seen here, on the piano) for 60 cents. I still have that sheet music.

Bride in Home

My wedding photographer recognized that piano was so much a part of my life that he suggested one of my bridal photos should be at the piano.

In the mid-70’s, I used money made from giving piano lessons to buy my first piano, a Wurlitzer. I still have it.

My most prized possession is my Yamaha Baby Grand Piano, a surprise Christmas gift from my husband in 2003.

new yamaha

I value the time I spend alone at the piano, but even more, the “singing around the piano,” quite often actually (what a blessing!), and always during our family Christmas.



music room tree 1

christmas music on piano 2

Playing piano has always been at the core of who I am. It would take a book to write all about the role of music in my life, and down through the generations of my children and grandchildren. So, yes, I am truly thankful for the gift of music.

#Gratitude52Journal #GiftofMusic #BabyGrandPiano #sketch #watercolor

Friday, February 19, 2016

Hide OR Seek? {Bible Art}

Bible Art Genesis 3-9

In Rebekah Jones’ “Heaven is Calling” Bible Art Journaling Challenge (one challenge per month), the passage for Lesson 2 is Genesis 3. In her study, Rebekah focused on the point that God is calling. When I read the passage this time, I was struck by the irony of the question, “Where are you?” Obviously, God knew were Adam was. He wanted Adam to realize that he (Adam) was hiding from God. Why? Because of sin. The takeaway from this passage for me today is this: God always knows where I am, even when I am trying to hide from Him. He wants me to recognize that, and to seek him.

#BibleArtJournaling #InktenseBlocks #sketch #ScriptureArt #FaithArt #IllustratedFaith

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Acts of Love

I have been crazy about Russell Ford since June 28, 1959. I was only 12. It’s true. I have never dated anyone else. He has been my Only Valentine for 56 years. Last September, we celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary.

We always remember each other, with cards at least, on Valentine’s Day. But this year, we would be in the middle of a four-day cross-country road trip. So I bought his card and hid it, hoping to find a time to give it to him when he wouldn’t feel bad that he didn’t remember it this year.

He beat me to it. As we were driving, he directed me to a place in the car where he had hidden this cute little teddy bear and beautiful card. I underestimated him! He’s just the best.


My Gratitude 52 Journal Prompt 6 was to sketch or illustrate my appreciation for acts of love that have been shown to me. For my response to the challenge, I sketched the Greatest Act of Love, that God gave His only Son to die for my sins.

Gratitude52 Prompt 6 Greatest Love

It was a special Valentine’s Day!

#GratitudeJournal #G52Prompt6 #ArtJournal #SketchandPaint #watercolor #theGreatestLove #Valentine #MyOnlyValentine

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Appreciation for Books {Gratitude52 Art Journal}

G52 Prompt 5

This week’s prompt (#G52Prompt5) is Books: Sketch or illustrate your appreciation for books! How has a certain book (or books) affected your life for the better?

Not thrilled with my “art” work here, finished it rather quickly, as I was driven by the desire to be caught up with the prompts (that’s me—and YAY, I did it!). Still, the sketch does illustrate my thoughts.

I have always loved books. In my fantasy world, I would own a book shop, complete with a little coffee shop in the corner, of course. From the time I can remember (first grade recollections), I have been smitten by books. I love the look, the feel, and the reading, of books. That’s one reason why I could never ONLY read books on an electronic device (I do that sometimes, but it’s almost a separate experience from…uh…READING).

Typically, I am reading a couple of books at one time, a fiction and a non-fiction. Right now I am reading a Christian fiction book on my iPad and am also reading some pages most days from Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts Devotional: Reflections on Finding Everyday Graces and Beth Moore’s Audacious. These two authors, my favorites, have such different styles; I love them, and am inspired by, both.

#Gratitude52Journal #Gratitude52Community #gratitude #books #annvoskamp #bethmoore #watercolor #sketch

Friday, February 5, 2016

Grateful for Shelter {Gratitude52 Art Journal}

G52 Prompt 4

For Gratitude 52: A Collaborative Sketchbook Project, Weekly Prompt #4 is: Shelter—Sketch or illustrate your thankfulness for a safe place to protect you from the elements.

Many times in the cold winters of Missouri, I think about how thankful I am to have a nice warm home. In fact, sometimes I’d just like to hibernate there and not come out until spring! I like the feeling that “home” is a warm, happy place in my heart.

#sketch #acrylicpaint #gratitude #GratitudeJournal #Gratitude52Community #ArtJournal

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thankful for Art {Gratitude52 Art Journal}

G52 Prompt 3 Art

Gratitude52 Prompt 3: Sketch or illustrate your appreciation for the gift of self-expression.

I do not usually attempt to sketch “people,” but a couple of years ago I learned to sketch little creative girls, and this is a lot of fun for me. These little whimsical characters allow me to express my thoughts and feelings in a self-caricature sort of way (do I really look like this? of course not—I wish!).

Because I didn’t even attempt to do any form of art at all until about 3 years ago, I think I have an appreciation for the ability to express myself through this medium that I may not have understood had I been “doing art” my whole life. Still very much a beginner “artist,” it is truly something I appreciate, and it belongs in my Gratitude Journal for 2016!

#G52Prompt3 #sketch #watercolor #creativegirl #Gratitude52Community #art #selfexpression #thankful

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Friends are Gifts {Gratitude52 Art Journal}

G52 Prompt 2 Friends

The prompt for Gratitude 52 Journal, Week 2 is “Friends are Gifts.” I chose a mixed media style for this page, using stamps and watercolor.

This verse is one of my daughter’s favorites.

“Two are better than one…if either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

#G52Prompt2 #mixedmedia #gratitude #GratitudeJournal #watercolor #stamps #Gratitude52Community

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Set Your Hope on a Good God {Bible Art}

Heaven is Calling Lesson 1

My intentional/directed projects for 2016 include the Gratitude 52 Journal (one journal entry per week) and the new challenge series hosted by Rebekah R Jones, called “Heaven is Calling,” a monthly Bible art study/challenge.

This Bible part page is my response to Rebekah’s study for Week 1. It focuses on 1 Samuel 1:1-20. It is the story of Hannah, and her crying out to God to give her a child. I’ve always loved this story, and especially the part where her prayer is answered, and her response is to give that child back to God.

Part of Rebekah’s insight into this passage is this: “Perhaps you are in a season where God’s goodness is so near to you that you’re able to cheer this on without delay. But maybe you’re in a season where this is a painful topic. Maybe you even have found yourself in Hannah’s situation, crying out for a child of your own, or something else of great importance to you personally. Perhaps like I did, you need to adjust your perspective of how good God really is, so you’re in a greater position to receive God’s goodness in your life.”

#BibleArtJournaling #FaithArt #ScriptureArt #IllustratedFaith #hope #acrylicpaint

Monday, February 1, 2016

Thanks & Trust {Gratitude52 Art Journal}


After committing to respond to 52 weekly prompts for a Gratitude Journal in 2016, I finished the cover page and then an unexpected death in our family put me behind on projects.

The challenge prompt for week one was: “to help you stay inspired and thankful, draw or illustrate a favorite gratitude quote into your sketchbook.”

I chose to illustrate something I read in my quiet time, from a book by Ann Voskamp, 1000 Gifts Devotional. It seems a rather profound thought, that when we are thankful, it grows our trust. And the more trust we have, the more grateful we become—a symbiotic relationship that yields many benefits for the believer.

#AnnVoskamp #Gratitude52Community #G52Prompt1 #GratitudeJournal #sketchfrom scratch #watercolor #gratitude #trust