Saturday, February 20, 2016

Thankful for the Gift of Music

G52 Prompt 7 Music

The prompt for the Gratitude 52 Journal this week is “Music: Sketch or illustrate your appreciation for the gift of music.”

My Mamo Wilson had a grand piano. When I was very small, I loved to sit at the piano and pretend I was like my Aunt Lucy, who had an incredible talent at the piano. When my mother would tell me to “Stop banging on the piano,” my Mamo would say, “Let her play.”

1950 BK and Janene at Mamos piano

When I was 9, my family was visiting in a home that had a piano. I sat at the piano and someone helped me place my fingers on keys that I later knew to be C-E-G. I pressed down on the keys and thought it was the most beautiful sound in the world (LOVED 3-part harmony from that time forth!).

I begged my parents (who had no money, as my dad had just begun college to prepare for his ministry as a pastor, and there were four of us kids). But my mother arranged to get her piano (a Wurlitzer spinet) from her mother’s house. At 50 cents per lesson, I began, as a 5th grader. I continued with piano lessons, off and on, until I was a senior in high school, at which time I began giving lessons. I say “off and on” because when lack of money would dictate, I would have to stop taking lessons for a while. During those times, I went through my lesson books on my own.

Barbara Princess, Janene candidate, Keith Crown Bearer Russellville Oct 1960

This was Mother’s Wurlitzer. By this time (8th grade), I was playing for church and was using my allowance money to buy sheet music, like “He” (seen here, on the piano) for 60 cents. I still have that sheet music.

Bride in Home

My wedding photographer recognized that piano was so much a part of my life that he suggested one of my bridal photos should be at the piano.

In the mid-70’s, I used money made from giving piano lessons to buy my first piano, a Wurlitzer. I still have it.

My most prized possession is my Yamaha Baby Grand Piano, a surprise Christmas gift from my husband in 2003.

new yamaha

I value the time I spend alone at the piano, but even more, the “singing around the piano,” quite often actually (what a blessing!), and always during our family Christmas.



music room tree 1

christmas music on piano 2

Playing piano has always been at the core of who I am. It would take a book to write all about the role of music in my life, and down through the generations of my children and grandchildren. So, yes, I am truly thankful for the gift of music.

#Gratitude52Journal #GiftofMusic #BabyGrandPiano #sketch #watercolor