My intentional/directed projects for 2016 include the Gratitude 52 Journal (one journal entry per week) and the new challenge series hosted by Rebekah R Jones, called “Heaven is Calling,” a monthly Bible art study/challenge.
This Bible part page is my response to Rebekah’s study for Week 1. It focuses on 1 Samuel 1:1-20. It is the story of Hannah, and her crying out to God to give her a child. I’ve always loved this story, and especially the part where her prayer is answered, and her response is to give that child back to God.
Part of Rebekah’s insight into this passage is this: “Perhaps you are in a season where God’s goodness is so near to you that you’re able to cheer this on without delay. But maybe you’re in a season where this is a painful topic. Maybe you even have found yourself in Hannah’s situation, crying out for a child of your own, or something else of great importance to you personally. Perhaps like I did, you need to adjust your perspective of how good God really is, so you’re in a greater position to receive God’s goodness in your life.”
#BibleArtJournaling #FaithArt #ScriptureArt #IllustratedFaith #hope #acrylicpaint
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