Since my last post, we have done the Washington to Missouri and back to Washington car trip (12 days, 11 nights). We visited family in Missouri, celebrating Christmas with siblings and daughter and family. But mainly spent time in the car and hotels. Very tired I am.
Now we’re doing final preparations for our Christmas back here in Washington.
Here are three more art pieces I finished before just now putting away the art supplies until after Christmas.
This little baby seal was painted following a tutorial by Louise De Masi, where she used her own photograph as a reference. I think he’s cute!
I also painted a pinecone and pine tree branches following guidance from Maria Raczynska. I was frustrated with this one, but I’ve decided to keep and post all my work, because when I look back, it can be encouraging if I see improvement.
This last quick little piece I did in a couple of hours last night. I cut it down to 4x6 (others are 5x7) and will use it to enhance a scrapbook page for December.
I’m experiencing some nostalgia and even some sadness at the moment. I know myself, and I understand the feelings. I may write about it when I’m rested. But then again, when I’m rested, I may not feel the sadness!!
Oh, but wait. Our great grandson is coming over soon to be introduced to Grandad’s Polar Express electric train that is now under our Christmas tree, and to play with us for awhile. His baby sister will be showing us her new trick of clapping. I think the sadness may be on the way out anyway!
#watercolorpinecones #watercolorbabyseal #watercolorholly #needtorest #greatgrandchildrenbringjoy #polarexpresselectrictrain #watercolor