Monday, May 30, 2016

He is All I Need {Coloring Pages}

Colorful Blessings Phil 4-19

Working in my Colorful Blessings coloring book (Ronnie Walter), this page, illustrating Philippians 4:19, is so relevant for me!

Using PrismaColor Premier pencils, I like the bold and bright look from bearing down with hard pressure.

All the books on how not to worry—the lessons could all be summed up with this one verse. If I could totally put my faith in that promise, there would be no place for worry. So, yeah, that.

My God will supply every need.
Philippians 4:19

#InspirationalColoringBooks #ColorCafe #ColorfulBlessings #PrismaColorPremier #GodSuppliesMyNeeds #FaithArt #ScriptureArt

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Good, Good Father {Praise Book}

Praise Book Ask Seek Knock

This is my first page in my new Illustrated Faith Praise Book. I added acrylic paint swipes and alpha stickers for “ask seek knock” and then journaled the passage that is meaningful to me right now.

Illustrated Faith - Praise Book

This book reminds me a lot of the many Smash Albums I have filled. This particular book is a notebook and has some beautiful pages but allows for a lot of creativity. I have a lot of scrapbooks, journals, albums, etc., but this one I am dedicating strictly to PRAISE, documenting something particularly praiseworthy in my life at a given point in time.

This Praise is a follow-on to my post, “Begging God.” The rest of that “ask-seek-knock” passage that I referenced in that post, is often overlooked. That’s the part that describes God as a good Father who loves to give good gifts to His children.

So, when we ask, seek, and knock, sometimes He says no. That is an answer. And that answer is because He has something better for us. Better than we even asked for—better than we even knew we could ask for. He will not give a stone instead of bread, or a serpent instead of fish. He LOVES to give good gifts to His children. But, HE knows what gifts are the BEST…

For us, that’s where the trust comes in. When we get an answer that is not on our personal wish list, we need to remember that only God knows the future. Only God knows the BEST answer. I want to rely on HIS gifts, because He is a good, good Father. That’s who He is. And I’m loved by Him. That’s who I am. That’s all I need to know.

Partial lyrics from Chris Tomlin’s "Good Good Father"

But I know we're all searching
For answers only you provide
Cause you know just what we need
Before we say a word
You're a Good, Good Father
It's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are
And I'm loved by you
It's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am
You're a Good, Good Father
(You are perfect in all of your ways)
It's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are
And I'm loved by you
(You are perfect in all of your ways)
It's who I am, it's who I am it's who I am

#PraiseBook #AskSeekKnock #GoodGoodFather #BestGifts #ChrisTomlin #ThankingGod

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Thankful for Freedom {Gratitude52 Art Journal}

G52 Prompt 21 Memorial Day

This is the 21st week for the Gratitude52 Art Journal Challenge. This week’s #G52Prompt21 is: “Sketch, quote, or illustrate your appreciation for those we honor on Memorial Day.”

Since I wasn’t in the mood to sketch or draw this week, I reverted to my “mixed media” mode to put together a quick response, using acrylic paint (applied with an old credit card) and a quote that I love.

While several members of my family have served in the US military, including my husband, thankfully none of them were required to make the “ultimate sacrifice,” although their service did reqire a willingness to do so. I am thankful that God brought them home after their service, and I am also thankful for those who gave their lives for the freedom I enjoy today.

#Gratitude52Community #G52Prompt21 #Gratitude52Journal #artjournal #MemorialDay

Friday, May 27, 2016

Under Grace (whew!) {Bible Art Journaling}

Bible Art Rom 6 Grace

This passage in Romans 6 is tough to understand. For me, I just rest easy in the knowledge that I am under grace, not under the law (v14).

This page, focusing on Romans 6:11-14, is my response to Lesson 5, Heaven is Calling Bible Art Journaling Challenges.

Bible Art Rom 6 Grace

#grace #BibleArtJournalingChallenge #BibleArtJournaling #ScriptureArt #FaithArt #BibleMarginalia #IllustratedFaith #InktenseBlocks

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Watercolor Practice

Just for fun, I have been playing around with watercolors. Some day I would like to take a “real” course in watercolor painting. For now, I have watched a couple of YouTube videos that mainly convince me that I have no clue. But I am finding that I enjoy playing with watercolor more than acrylic.

First Watercolor Rose

My first watercolor rose

Watercolor Gala Apple

Gala Apple

Watercolor Red Pear

Red Pear

#WatercolorNewbie #watercolor #LoveToLearn

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jehovah Rapha {Bible Art Journaling}

Bible Art Is 61-1 Jehovah Rapha

Jehovah Rapha The LORD who heals. יְהֹוָה רָפָא

Jehovah is translated as "The Existing One" or "Lord." The chief meaning of Jehovah is derived from the Hebrew word Havah meaning "to be" or "to exist." It also suggests "to become" or specifically "to become known" - this denotes a God who reveals Himself unceasingly. Rapha (râpâ') means "to restore," "to heal" or "to make healthful" in Hebrew. When the two words are combined - Jehovah Rapha - it can be translated as "Jehovah Who Heals." (Jer 30:17; Jer 3:22; Is 30:26; Is 61:1; Ps 103:3). Jehovah is the Great Physician who heals the physical and emotional needs of His people.

This is one of my favorite Names of God. When I think of healing, actually the first thing that comes to my mind is emotional and spiritual healing, although physical healing is certainly part of what Jehovah Rapha provides.

Specifically, I love the verse in Isaiah 61 that talks about the Lord God binding up the brokenhearted. That is such a beautiful picture to me, as I think about the God of the Universe gathering up the brokenhearted in His arms and healing the brokenness.

Bible Art Is 61-1 Jehovah Rapha

#NamesofGod #JehovahRapha #IllustratedFaith #ScriptureArt #FaithArt #BibleArtJournaling #Healer #Brokenhearted

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My Birthday {Family Stuff}

Yesterday was my birthday. With my heart in two places (MO and WA), it’s wonderful that I can be at one of those places for a special occasion, like my birthday.
This year we are in Washington, where my son’s family lives.

My sweet hubby made breakfast for me.


Later in the morning, the florist delivered a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers from the Romantic One.


Early afternoon, I loved visiting with our daughter and grandson in MO, over FaceTime.

Our son and wife invited us to their home for supper (and wonderful cake and ice cream). Their son and wife live nearby, and their daughter is home, between finishing college and leaving for short-term mission appointment later this summer. There is, honestly, no place I’d rather be, than surrounded by family in one of our homes (love having my family in my home, but it is extraordinarily special to be in one of their homes!).


Wonderful grilled burgers, my favorite!



Sweet cards!

IMG_9205 cropped

My Loving Boy-Man

IMG_9207 cropped and edited portrait

Son and Wife

IMG_9217 cropped and edited

Granddaughter-Grandson & Wife

IMG_9210 cropped

So blessed am I!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Grateful for Clothing {Gratitude52 Art Journal}

G52Prompt20 Clothing

When I first read this week’s prompt for the Gratitude 52 Art Journal challenge, “Illustrate your appreciation for clothing,” the first thing that came to mind was the Bible verse about taking no thought for what you will wear.

Matthew 6:28-29
And why do you worry about clothes?Consider how the lilies of the field grow: They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was adorned like one of these.…

My first inclination was to sketch a lily. But, I decided to be a bit more of a conformist (this time) and actually sketch an article of clothing (a whimsical one, at that). I am thankful for clothing, and it’s another blessing that I often take for granted.

#GratitudeArtJournal #Gratitude52Journal #thankfulforclothing #sketch #watercolor #Gratitude52Community

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Jehovah Ro’i {Bible Art Journaling}

Bible Art Jehovah Rohi

Ezekiel 34:11-16

Studying the Names of God (not an in-depth study, which I would like to do sometime), I love them all. But thinking of God as the Shepherd of His People is a comforting thought. The picture that comes to my mind brings a smile and a feeling of peaceful assurance.

One of my references had this information:

~~~Begin Quoted Material

The Hebrew word "rohi" (or "ro'i" or "ro'eh") is both a noun and a verb, meaning "a shepherd" and "a pasture", as well as "to shepherd" or "to pasture". An extended translation of the word as a noun is also "friend" or "companion". This indicates the intimacy YHWH desires between Himself and His people. He doesn't want mentally- and emotionally-detached children simply going through repetitious religious exercises. He wants a close personal involvement in every aspect of our lives, one in which we would come to truly depend on Him for our every need.

The word "rohi" alone first appears in Genesis 37:2: "...Joseph . . . was feeding the flock [rohi] with his brothers..." A more direct reference to the role of shepherding appears in Genesis 47:3-4 when Joseph's brothers told Pharaoh, "...Your servants are shepherds [rohi], both we, and our fathers . . . We have come to live as foreigners in the land, for there is no pasture [rohi] for your servants' flocks..."

— YHWH, the Shepherd of His people — as in...

  • Psalm 80:1 — "Hear us, Shepherd [Rohi] of Israel, You who lead Joseph like a flock, You who sit above the cherubim, shine forth."
  • Isaiah 40:10-11 — "Behold, the Lord [Elohim] Yahweh will come as a mighty one . . . He will feed His flock like a shepherd [rohi], He will gather the lambs in His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and will gently lead those who have their young."
  • Ezekiel 34:11-16a — "For thus says the Lord [Elohim] Yahweh: 'Behold, I Myself, even I, will search for My sheep, and will seek them out. As a shepherd [rohi] seeks out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered abroad, so will I seek out My sheep; and I will deliver them . . . I will feed [rohi] them with good pasture [rohi]; and on the mountains of the height of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie down in a good fold; and on fat pasture [rohi] shall they feed on the mountains of Israel. I Myself will be the shepherd [Rohi] of My sheep, and I will cause them to lie down,' says the Lord [Elohim] Yahweh. 'I will seek that which was lost, and will bring back that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick...'"

~~~End Quoted Material

On this page I quickly sketched the image and then painted with InkTense Blocks.

#BibleArtJournaling #NamesOfGod #IllustratedFaith #FaithArt #ScriptureArt #JehovahRohi #InktenseBlocks #GodtheShepherd

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Colorful Blessings {Inspirational Coloring Book Pages}

Colorful Blessings p1

Colorful Blessings p2

So, when the adult coloring book craze hit, I ignored it, because I didn’t want to divert my time and attention from my needed practice on art.

But I always loved to color. In fact, in my previous life, I would have sworn that “coloring” in a color book was the closest I could get to art. So, when I saw these cute little coloring books that are full of inspirational/devotional content and Scripture verses, I couldn’t resist, especially since I already owned PrismaColor Premier colored pencils, and these books are really inexpensive, I think.

I knew I wanted spiral binding and printed only on one side. So, I love this “Colorful Blessings” book from Ronnie Walter. Her drawings make me happy, and they are not so complex that it takes the fun out of it. Still, even the simple drawings take way more time to color than I anticipated.

Sooooo, this is what I do when I want a break from scrapbooking or art projects. Besides, I can do this WHILE….like while I’m “watching” the Cardinals game.

#ColoringBooks #PrismaColor #ColorfulBlessings #DevotionalColoringBooks #Therapy

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Begging God {Bible Art Journaling}

Bible Art Matt 7-7 Ask Seek Knock

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” – Matthew 7:7 (KJV)

Guest blogger today: My son, Pastor Mark Ford. His blog, Thoughts to Think Through, is always thought-provoking and inspiring. Yesterday’s post, “The Most Important Prayer,” prompted my Bible art today. With his permission, I am printing his piece in its entirety, as this was on my heart as I sketched and painted the illustration for Matthew 7:7.

~~~Begin Quoted Material

The Most Important Prayer

Thy will be done.

Those four words comprise the most important sentence you could ever pray.

Jesus told us to ask, seek and knock, and to expect God to give us what we ask for (Matthew 7:7-11). This principle is seen throughout Scripture. James also indicated that we do not receive, because we do not ask in faith. We are clearly instructed to seek what we desire from God. We are to ask and keep on asking. Jesus even told a parable to illustrate that begging God repeatedly for something is the best way to get it. Sometimes God absolutely WAITS to give us what we are asking for until we ask and keep on fervently asking for an extended period of time.

Preachers of the “Prosperity Gospel,” though heretical, are nonetheless correct in teaching the above half of the equation. Part of their error comes in not including the following warning: Sometimes, when God gives you what you asked for, it is not a good thing. Oh, it is absolutely true that God wants to give you what you want. He doesn’t like saying no to His kids. In fact, God hates saying no so much, that sometimes He says yes even when He knows you are going to be wishing you hadn’t asked in the end.

Wait, really? Yep. Keep reading.

When Jesus taught us to pray, He included the all-important sentence I mentioned above, “Thy will be done.” He also demonstrated this for us from the Garden, where, sweating drops of blood, He prayed, “Nevertheless, Thy will be done, not mine.” Jesus fervently and repeatedly asked for the cup of suffering to pass from Him, but not without including just as fervently, “Thy will be done.”

When it comes to prayer, there is no way to overemphasize the importance of those four words.

Ask the Israelites. When they wanted a king, they forgot to add these words. When they wanted meat in the wilderness, they forgot to add these words. Both times, God gave them EXACTLY what they asked for. In the first instance, they received their king, and it led to war and ultimately destruction. In the second instance, they received so much meat that it caused a plague and many died. God said, “I’ll give you enough meat until it is running out of your noses” (Numbers 11). Both times, their prayers did not line up with the will of God. Both times, all they could think about was what they wanted, and receiving it, they faced the consequences of their own lack of foresight. They forgot to pray, “Thy will be done.”

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Some would take this as a sure-fire way to get whatever you want from God, like an algebra equation guaranteeing results. Do A and get B. They fail, however, to understand that when A is true, B is automatically changed. When you delight yourself in the Lord, the desires of your heart become conformed to His will. Why? Because when He becomes your delight, His desires become yours.

As a child of God, perhaps the most dangerous thing you could ever do is to ask God for what you desire without adding, “Thy will be done.” God said in advance that He is prone to give His children what they want most (Matthew 7:11). If what you want most is not His will, beware the power of prayer!

Scripture absolutely encourages the children of God to ask for the desires of their hearts. Do not take what I have written to mean you should skip the asking part and simply pray a blanket prayer for the will of God. Not at all! Keep on asking, seeking and knocking. BEG GOD for the desires of your heart! Spend large amounts of time doing this! But don’t forget to add the most important words to your prayer: “Thy will be done.” And don’t be surprised when His will and your will are no longer two different things.

Father, let Your will be done, and let every ounce of my will become Yours.

~~~End Quoted Material

#BibleArtJournaling #InkTenseBlocks #Sketch #OpenDoors #AskSeekKnock #FaithArt #IllustratedFaith #ScriptureArt #TheMostImportantPrayer #Prayer #BeggingGod #WillofGod

Monday, May 16, 2016

Golf Outing {Scrapbook}

Golf SB LO Left

Left-hand page

Golf SB LO Right (pocket)

Right-hand page

Deciding to post a few more things in addition to my art projects. I scrapbook most all of my pictures, and I take a lot of pictures. I rarely share my simplistic layouts on my blog. However, the simple style works for me, allows me to incorporate some art now and then, and provides opportunity to include a lot more photos than if I made every page an art presentation.

Recently I was the “ride-along” while my husband and son played golf on a beautiful day, at a beautiful course.

I use Creative Memories albums and pages, combining full-page 12x12 staple-hinged pages with the 12x12 multi-pocket pages. The double-page spread doesn’t photograph well, but here is the way it looks with the album open.

Golf SB LO spread

#CreativeMemories #ScrapbookLayout #Golfing #Silhouette #watercolor #familytimes

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Be Strong—in HIM {Bible Art Journaling}

Bible Art Eph 6-10 Strong in the Lord

.Ephesians 6:10 - "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."

Love this. It's one of those verses that is so clearly simple and yet so profound. So, I am to be strong--but, wait...I don't have to do it on my own. I can be strong IN HIM, and IN HIS MIGHTY POWER! Yes and amen!

The margin background is watercolor. The barbell is obviously a rough sketch from scratch, watercolored. The text is alpha stickers.

#BibleMarginalia #IllustratedFaith #ScriptureArt #FaithArt #BibleArtJournaling #InktenseBlocks #sketch

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Instead of Being Anxious {Bible Art Journaling}

Bible Art Phil 4-6,7

Philippians 4: 6-7 (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This is one of my go-to verses to remind me not to worry. But Sunday evening I was drawn to this passage again, and drilling down into the passage, I found a deep and timely message for me right now.

My understanding is that I should not be anxious, but rather, I should:

PRESENT my requests to God, through PRAYER and PETITION (I should be bold), with PRAISE (don’t forget that part), and the end result will be the PEACE of God (transcending human understanding), guarding my heart and mind.

It’s okay to beg God (prayer and petition) for my requests, remembering to praise Him for knowing what is best for me in the end.

#BibleArtJournaling #llustratedFaith #ScriptureArt #FaithArt #DoNotBeAnxious #BeggingGod

Great Commission {Bible Art Journaling}

Bible Art Great Commission edited

Matthew 28:19-20

The Great Commission

As my granddaughter just graduated from college and is preparing to begin a two-year mission assignment with the International Mission Board this summer, this passage has been on my mind.

But The Great Commission is not just for international missionaries. It is for all of us who are Christ-followers. We are to GO and TEACH and MAKE DISCIPLES.

Bible Art Great Commission edited

I made my own stencil with my Silhouette die cutting machine and then inked over it. Then I masked it and inked around it. Easy peasy.

#BibleArtJournaling #BibleArt #TheGreatCommission #IMB #Journeyman #IllustratedFaith #ScriptureArt #FaithArt #DistressInk #SilhouettePortrait

Friday, May 6, 2016

Thankful for My Mother {Gratitude52 Art Journal}

G52Prompt18 Mother

The weekly prompt for Jenny Frith’s Gratitude52 Art Journal Challenge is “Sketch, quote or illustrate your appreciation for your mom.” Since I don’t draw people, I thought of something that reminds me of my mother, who passed away in April of 2013. She loved butterflies, so I sketched and watercolored this page to remind me of my thankfulness for my mother.

She truly was the glue that held my family (Daddy, Mother and five children) together, during bad times and good.

I created this digital scrapbook page for Mother, shortly before her death.

Title Slide for Mother SlideShow

#Gratitude52 Art Journal #G52Prompt18 #MothersDay #gratitude #sketch #watercolor #AboveRubies #ArtJournal

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Jehovah Jireh {Bible Art Journaling}

Names of God-Week 1-Jehovah Jireh

I am participating in a Bible study on the Names of God. The first week focuses on Jehovah Jireh (God provides).

I chose to illustrate a page in my KJV Bible where the actual text “Jehovah Jireh” occurs, Genesis 22:14.

“And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.”

I also love the ESV translation: “So Abraham called the name of that place, “The Lord will provide”; as it is said to this day, ‘On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.’”

Promises that God will provide are found throughout the Bible. My favorite is this one:

“And my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19 (ESV)

“The Lord will provide” – what an awesome answer to so many of life’s challenges, worries, problems, stresses, crises…..

#NamesofGod #IllustratedFaith #ScriptureArt #FaithArt #JehovahJireh #GodWillProvide #BibleArtJournaling

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Eye is a Lamp {Gratitude52 Art Journal}

G52Prompt17 Eyesight

This week’s prompt for the Gratitude52 Art Journal Challenge is “Eyesight.” I chose to illustrate my thankfulness for eyesight by focusing on a Scripture verse about the eye.

"Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light.”   -  Matthew 6:22 (NLT)

Other Bible phrases come to mind, like “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” I’m also thinking about another level of meaning, reflected in the children’s song: “Be careful little eyes what you see.” Hmmmmmm. We want the “whole body” to be “filled with light,” not darkness. So, the eye is pretty important spiritually, as well as physically, then, isn’t it?!

#Gratitude52Journal #GratitudeArtJournal #eyesight #EyeasaLamp #Matthew622 #InktenseBlocks #SketchedFromScratch #FaithArt #ScriptureArt #IllustratedFaith #G52Prompt17