Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Finally Doing Some Art Projects

I guess I must be missing my cardinals from our Missouri back yard, as we are out in Washington state right now, and this project came to mind. But, since the temperature here is 55 today (sunny), and it’s 16 degrees right now in Missouri (with a wind chill of 1 degree), I’ll just be okay with not seeing the cardinals for awhile.

This piece was done while following along with a tutorial. I can see that I have WAY a lot to learn. I am not very good at this watercolor thing.

It was good to be back “at it” with my Bible Art Journaling hobby today. This was inspired by Jenna at ScribblingGrace.com. Love the reminder that God is with me when I pass through the water. He has redeemed me. – Isaiah 43:2.

#BibleArtJournaling #FaithArt #Cardinals #ScribblingGrace #Watercolor #MixedMedia #InterleavedBible

Saturday, January 12, 2019

My Word for 2019

It has been some years since I have adopted a “word of the year.” But this year, something caught my attention in an email I received from one of my Faith Art sites. The author said that Dayspring.com has a quiz that will help you arrive at your “word of the year” for 2019. It worked great for me. The questions are awesome. Find the quiz here.

I answered the questions seriously and thoughtfully. I had no idea what word might be generated for me. I clicked “Submit” and the word that came up was a surprise. And yet, I smiled, because, yes, that’s the perfect word for me right now. And I would not have come up with it on my own.

My results:

Your Word of the Year is Peace!

“2019 is your year to find rest in the Lord. The world around us brings chaos, distractions, and messages coming from every direction, but your goal this year is to silence the noise and focus in on the voice of Jesus. Cultivate time to be still, rest, and listen to where He is guiding you this year.”

I was also able to download a Phone Wallpaper with my word and a scripture reference, after the quiz:


Immediately when I saw my word, I was reminded about a quote I have been trying to “own” for a couple of years now. I don’t know why the single word “peace” had not dawned on me as a great word of the year, since I often think of this quote:

“Peace comes in situations completely surrendered to the Sovereign authority of Christ.”

Yes, that’s a very good word. It’s the word for me. It’s my prayer.

Here’s my Bible Art page with “my” word for 2019, with one of my favorite verses:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27 (ESV)

IMG_6261 (1) (1)

#FaithArt #2019WordoftheYear #Peace

Friday, January 11, 2019

Faith vs Fear {Bible Art Journaling}

This concept has been on my heart for a couple of days—wanted to do a Bible page about it…most of my supplies are packed away, but I had a few inks and stamps accessible, so I created a quick page.

Bible Art Faith vs Fear

2 Timothy 1:5-7 (KJV)

5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.

6 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.

7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Faith and Fear cannot occupy the same space. Choose Faith.

#BibleArtJournaling #FaithArt #DistressInks #GorjusStamps #FaithVsFear

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ready or Not

It is 2019, and I don’t think I’m really ready for it. But, it is here anyway!

We are preparing to return to our home in Washington for a few months. We would probably wait until the weather is a little less “wintry,” but we want to spend more time with our granddaughter Tory before she heads back to the mission field, which may be soon..

This time out, I will be taking some supplies and materials from my MO Hobby Room, so that I can continue with hobbies like scrapbooking, Bible Art Journaling and other Faith Art projects.


I usually begin a new Bible Study in January. This year I am resuming a study that I paused last year, “The Quest,” a Beth Moore study. Yesterday I was reviewing the lessons I had already completed and “landed” on a page that was exactly what I needed to see at that exact time. My notes from that page:


When I was a young woman, I made this note in my Bible, that expresses the same thought: Trust and Worry cannot live in the same heart.

I know it’s true. Just need to work on living out the truth of it.

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if we always “lived out” what we know to be truth from God’s Word?!

Happy New Year!

#TheQuest #HobbyRoom #FaithArt #FaithVsFear #TrustVsWorry

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Christmas is All in the Heart

So, we stayed in Washington until December 12, in order to celebrate Christmas (on December 11) with Conner and Caroline and Leeland (grandson and family), because they were not able to make the trip to Missouri.

Christmas in Washington:

12-11-2018 Chr in WA (1) ed crpd and ltr

12-11-2018 Chr in WA (16) ed crpd and ltr

12-11-2018 Chr in WA (24) ed crop and lighter

Christmas in Missouri:

After the four-day drive to Missouri, we quickly got the house (and the gifts and the food) ready.

On December 20 and 21, we went to Janene and David’s near Jefferson City for our Sibling Christmas. Our times together are always sweet, complete with traditions, a lot of reminiscing, wonderful food, funny stories, and lots of coffee.

12-21-2018 Sibling Christmas (2) edited cropped

My brother Keith and his wife Michele

Russell and me

My sister Janene who is married to Russell’s brother David

12-21-2018 Sibling Christmas (9)

Our handmade corduroy stockings that our Mother saved, from our childhood Christmases at our Grandad and Mamo Wilson’s.

Mark and Kristy and Tory flew from PDX to STL on Christmas Eve day, and the next day we were joined by Sharida and Greg, Dawson, Alyssa and her new husband Josh (this year’s first-time addition to our Christmas), and Evan.

12-25-2018 Ford Family Christmas (27) ed

12-25-2018 Ford Family Christmas (35) cropped and lighter

12-25-2018 Ford Family Christmas (57)

12-25-2018 Ford Family Christmas (38)

We missed Conner and Caroline and Leeland. We don’t know what the future may bring, but we are aware that it will be increasingly more difficult (maybe impossible) for all of us to be together at one time.

That’s why it’s important to remember that “Christmas is all in the heart,” and our hearts are in more than one place! We are thankful for the times we have all together, but also for all of the times that any of us can be with each other…because we are always together in our hearts.

We are blessed that, in our family, the main thing we celebrate at Christmas is the gift from God, His Son, Immanuel, God With Us, sent to be the Savior of the World, to those who will accept His Gift!

#ChristmasisAllintheHeart #FamilyChristmas #ChristmasinMO #ChristmasinWA #SiblingChristmas