Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ready or Not

It is 2019, and I don’t think I’m really ready for it. But, it is here anyway!

We are preparing to return to our home in Washington for a few months. We would probably wait until the weather is a little less “wintry,” but we want to spend more time with our granddaughter Tory before she heads back to the mission field, which may be soon..

This time out, I will be taking some supplies and materials from my MO Hobby Room, so that I can continue with hobbies like scrapbooking, Bible Art Journaling and other Faith Art projects.


I usually begin a new Bible Study in January. This year I am resuming a study that I paused last year, “The Quest,” a Beth Moore study. Yesterday I was reviewing the lessons I had already completed and “landed” on a page that was exactly what I needed to see at that exact time. My notes from that page:


When I was a young woman, I made this note in my Bible, that expresses the same thought: Trust and Worry cannot live in the same heart.

I know it’s true. Just need to work on living out the truth of it.

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if we always “lived out” what we know to be truth from God’s Word?!

Happy New Year!

#TheQuest #HobbyRoom #FaithArt #FaithVsFear #TrustVsWorry

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