Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sweet Little Fox {Watercolor}

Today’s watercolor practice fits the weather outside—it is unseasonably cold and windy and dreary here in Missouri. We have also uncharacteristically had several back-to-back days of rain and dreariness. This morning there was snow on our deck!  I’m not easily affected by weather, but several days in a row of dreariness does wear thin with me.

This little fox, snuggling a Christmas gift, was created following a tutorial by Maria Raczynska. I do like to paint animals, but they have their own challenges. 

My thought for the day, from “Too Blessed to be Stressed” by Debora Coty:
“Maturity should be the most productive season of life.”


#watercolorpractice #MariaRaczynska #maturity #foxeshaveholes #seasonsoflife

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