These challenges are not easy, but after all, they are “challenges.” For Week 32, the Gratitude52 Journal Prompt is “Draw or illustrate your appreciation for good decisions you have made recently.”
I like to think we make good decisions daily, but I chose to illustrate a fairly big decision we made a couple of years ago. Our daughter’s family has most always lived in Missouri (our home state), and our son’s family had lived close to us (same town) for 13 years. Then three years ago, God called our son’s family across the country to pastor a church in the state of Washington, a 32-hour drive away from us. Since we were retired and able to do so, we decided to buy a second home near our son’s family in Washington and divide our time between the two homes, so that we can be close to both our children part of the year (although not both of them at the same time!). This was the only feasible way we could spend quality time with both families.
Although we know we will not always be able to keep up the routine of 3-4 months at a time in each state, it is a good plan that is working well for us right now.
I was at a loss to think of a good way to draw or sketch this challenge, so I took the easy way out and used my Silhouette cutter to cut the images for this page.
#Gratitude52Journal #G52prompt32 #Gratitude52Community #SilhouetteCutter #myheartisintwoplaces
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