This week’s challenge in Documented Life Project is Layers, Covering up the Good Stuff. In Documented Faith, the verse is Psalm 46:11. I combined the two projects into this art journal spread. This verse also happens to be the one I am memorizing right now for Siesta Scripture Memory Team.
I journaled by hand all over both pages and then covered up most of it with paint (some lettering still peeks through). I also covered up a manila library envelope. The verse is written on the library card that is tucked inside the envelope.
I often remind myself of this verse, because I am a noisy, busy kind of person. I know I need to shush and listen. So, this verse is a reminder—because once I am still enough to know that He is God, then I also can understand that He WILL be exalted!
This verse is especially meaningful right now, with the state of our world, the extreme terrorism that targets God’s people simply because they are “people of the cross.” I like remembering that HE will be exalted in the earth.
Where I live right now, the temperature is pleasant. On my walk today, I saw some of the beginnings of spring. Love it!
BE STILL and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10 (ESV)
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