Finally completed the first of the weekly projects for 2015. I am combining Documented Life Project and Documented Faith. This is a large spread in a 9x12 journal. The challenge for DLP was to use book paper, and the prompt was “I am my own goalkeeper.” For DF, the verse for the week is Jeremiah 29:11. My “goal” is to LET GO and TRUST. The tag (with the words “Let Go”) flips up to reveal my private list of things I need to let go.
I also am participating in Beth Moore’s Siesta Scripture Memory Team, and this is the verse I am memorizing for January 1.
I covered the pages with book and music paper (vintage). I used a lot of acrylic paint and stamps, as well as Pitt markers.
I love your idea of using project as Documented Life/Documented Faith. Mind if I use your idea and copy some of them?
Thank you, Edie, I absolutely do not mind if you use my ideas and copy some of them. I get my inspiration from a lot of different "artists," and it is an honor to be the source of inspiration now and then!
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