I came across a book published by “Focus on the Family.” I can’t remember how I discovered this particular book (God?), but it is an encouragement to me so far. The book, “As Long as I Have Breath: Serving God With Purpose in the Later Years,” by Bruce Gordon, is divided into 52 very short daily devotionals, one for each week of the year. It takes me about 10 minutes to do the weekly study each Monday. It’s a brief time to direct my attention to this topical study, thus allowing plenty of time for my other Bible reading/Bible studies.
I may share portions of what I read, throughout the year, with a hope that it may encourage others as well.
In the introduction, the writer says, “I have a couple of strong beliefs about getting old. I believe that aging matters. I also believe that God’s Word is not limited by age.” (AMEN!)
He goes on to say that there are many examples in the Bible where God directs someone to great things, in what we would refer to as the AUTUMN or even the winter season of life. Abraham at age ninety-nine is an example.
Hmmm… Autumn… the season of the calendar year that is on my mind (and on my art “plate”) right now.
Watercolor using Holbein professional watercolor paints and Arches Cold Press watercolor paper, inspired by my favorite teacher, Maria Raczynska.
(Maybe at this point in my life I should stop avoiding the thought of “autumn” or winter of life, and start to embrace it?)
Gordon reminds me, “Our later years are the best time to find newness of purpose, a revitalized zest for living, and a worthwhile mission to accomplish.”
Closing thought from the introduction: “As long as you have breath, you can serve the Lord with vigor and purpose.”
#watercolorleaves #watercolorpractice #watercolor #AsLongAsIHaveBreath #successfulaging #servingGodwithpurpose #52devotionals #autumn #autumnoflife
Thank you so much for sharing this. Lifted my spirits today!!!
Those are really great thoughts. I especially like the last line you posted. :) Very pretty watercolor, also. Happy Autumn!
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