Friday, October 1, 2021

Rest, Relaxation and Renewal

I feel sure that I have written before about how much I love the word REST. It’s one of those words that sort of evokes the feeling that the word describes, just in the hearing of the word.

For me, rest has not only a physical aspect, but most definitely an emotional one as well. “Rest” is not only something I want to DO (verb) but also a physical and emotional state I want to BE IN (noun).

REST is a necessary element of quality of life, for me.

We just completed several months of high stress. Everyone knows that on the charts of “high stressors,” MOVING is near the top of every list. We didn’t just move, we completely uprooted from Missouri, gave away or sold about 85% of our belongings, and pulled two UHauls (one loaded and pulled by our son and grandson, thank goodness) full of our remaining “stuff” a 32-hour-drive away, to Washington state, where, thankfully, we already owned a home (that had been our “second home” for about 3 years). 

Oh, by the way, it was already fully furnished, as we didn’t plan for that home to be our only home. So, now, where to put everything from those trailers, into a house that was already pretty full…. Challenges. 

It was by choice, of course, as we decided we wanted to downsize (from a 4,296 square foot home PLUS a 2,250 square foot home, to ONLY a 2,250 square foot home) and relocate to where our son’s family lives.

But just because you decide you want to do something does not mean the “something” is easy.

At about the same time we were selling the big house (not without a couple of crises during the process) and giving our furnishings to 8 different family members, packing up the rest, my husband and I were both dealing with medical issues (I say “medical” rather than “health” because we are both fine, but the issues were very demanding and without immediate solutions). 

Practically before the last box was unpacked, we decided to purchase a travel trailer to park on some land we co-own with our son and his wife. The property is located a little over two hours from our home in Washington, in the country, in the foothills of the Simcoe Mountains (on the dry side of the Cascade Range), a place where our family can go for a climate break from where we live (when it’s rainy for the thousandth day in a row, we can escape to the property), in a peaceful setting.

So, yes, we were ready for some rest, relaxation, and renewal!!

Our son named our place “Higher Ground,” as the old hymn came to his mind every time he drove up here. “Heaven’s table land.”

Hubby and I are here as I write this. Very quiet. Peaceful. We have been able to rest and relax and renew. 

I have made progress in my Bible studies. 

I am celebrating because I am finally caught up in the One Year Chronological Bible—I started it last January and got as far behind as 28 days, and it was VERY hard to catch up, but I DID IT!

I also am totally enjoying reading “Woven, Understanding the Bible as one Seamless Story” by Angie Smith. I highly recommend it!

We have been missing our wildlife from our Peaceful Acres woods in Missouri. Here on Higher Ground we have a lot of deer that come very often, so we have enjoyed watching them.

It is so pretty here. We can see Mt Adams and Mt Hood. Mt Adams got a covering of snow last night.

Some of my favorite Bible passages about “rest.” 

  • Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
  • Truly my soul finds rest in God;
    my salvation comes from him. Psalm 62:1
  • Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:29-30
#rest #relaxation #renewal #Biblestudies #WovenbyAngieSmith #chronologicaloneyearBible #higherground #JoyisaPersonbyRobinMeadows #drysideoftheCascades

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