Still trying to get back into the swing of regular painting. Above is my watercolor pansy. Here is my reference photo:
Spring is definitely in the air, and with it a feeling of hope for fresh starts and new growth.
Our country, along with the world, is in the midst of a historical global pandemic that has resulted in sickness and death. While the statistics are terrible, it now appears that the number of deaths is not going to nearly reach the dire predictions of even two or three weeks ago. This is a good thing, of course.
I join many other Americans who are ready to see a return to normalcy.
The flowers and plants that we see around Peaceful Acres right now remind me that God is still on His throne. He is in control.
My church (Go Church - Ridgefield, WA) remembered the cross last Sunday. Tonight we will have a season of prayer on this Good Friday.
But Sunday is Easter. While we will not be able to gather with others in a physical church setting, we will be celebrating while “attending” our worship service online, through Facebook Premiere Video.
No matter the circumstances, Easter is about celebrating the risen Lord. That never changes. While the sorrow may last the night, joy comes with the morning light!
Hallelujah! He Is Risen!
“He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said.” Matthew 28:6 CSB
#Easter #pansy #watercolor #GoChurchRidgefield #spring #heisrisen #helives #hallelujah #PeacefulAcres #JaneMagnolia #redbud
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