Monday, March 12, 2018

A Sweet Fragrance {Bible Art Journaling, This I Know}

Bible Art Fragrance 2Cor 2 15-16

“For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.”
2 Corinthians 2:15 (CSB)

I wish I could always leave behind me the sweet fragrance of Christ.

That is one of my life goals—and one of the hardest to attain. By nature I am critical, harsh, and always ready with a response that may or may not be loving. So I have to go against what is my nature in order to be sweet and kind. But, that’s my desire.

Bible Art 2 Cor 2 15-16 Fragrance

When I was a young woman, our pastor asked, “You young ladies out there—do you want to know how to be a sweet old woman? … Be a sweet young woman.”

That’s one of my Life Lessons right there.

I want to be the sweet fragrance of Christ, “an aroma of life
leading to life.”

#BibleArtJournaling #WatercolorinmyBible #SweetFragrance #LifeLessons #ThisIKnow #IllustratedFaith #FaithArt #ScriptureArt


Unknown said...

A worthy but difficult undertaking!

Barbara said...

I know. One might say "impossible," but then so is perfection, but we are to strive toward it. So, yes, a worthy undertaking.