The prompt for my Gratitude52 Art Journal Challenge, Week 11: Sketch or illustrate your appreciation for spring flowers. I sketched and painted (NeoColor II Watercolor Crayons) the above piece. The next day I found a verse in Song of Solomon that I do not remember reading before (I have read it before, because I have read through the Bible more than once). It struck me as a page that I would like to illustrate in my Journaling Bible.
So, I used the idea from my Gratitude52 journal to do this page of Bible Art.
In the Pacific Northwest right now, I sure am looking forward to that promise of the rains being gone! But here are the spring flowers! Song of Solomon 2:11-12: "See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land."
For me, the different seasons are so clearly from God. It’s like I need fresh reminders of His creation. I am particularly fond of spring. (Well, okay, I also love the fall.)
#BibleArtJournaling #spring #flowers #NeoColorIICrayons #sketchandpaint #Gratitude52ArtJournal #G52Prompt11 #BibleMarginalia #IllustratedFaith #ScriptureArt #FaithArt
1 comment:
So beautiful! I love the colors! Hope you are well.
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