Wednesday, March 16, 2016

GOD Created the Earth {Bible Art}

Bible Art Genesis 1-1

I am passionate about the truth that the heaven and the earth, and all that dwell therein, were all the intentional creation of God, and that it happened exactly as described in the first book of the Bible.

My passion is fueled by the passion of my son/pastor, who one time preached a message full of details about how everything in the Bible rests on the foundational truth of Genesis 1:1.

So, I enjoyed doing Bible Art on this first page of the Bible.

Bible Art Genesis 1-1

#BibleArtJournaling #FaithArt #ScriptureArt #IllustratedFaith #BibleArt


McStamper said...

Hi. I have just completed a 4 week group study of Genesis 1-11. We will be continuing it and it has really been a blessing for me. My daughter gave me a journaling Bible for Christmas and I have yet to begin - hard to color in a Bible:). Thanks so much for your inspiration - it's a perfect start for the study I am doing.

Barbara said...

Thank you so much, McStamper, for stopping by and leaving an encouraging comment. Let me encourage you to start in your journaling Bible. If you are not comfortable with coloring over the words (I only use transparent medium, like InkTense blocks, when I color over the words, so that everything is still readable), just work in the margin. So glad this page is relevant for your current study!