Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Simple {Bible Journaling}: Love the Lord Your God

Wk10 DF Love the Lord Your God Bible Journaling

This week’s Documented Faith challenge uses this verse from Mark 12:30. I also am using this verse for my memory verse for March 1, Siesta Scripture Memory Team.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I read this verse is a song that my daughter-in-law used to sing with my (then) small grandchildren, Tory and Conner (now 21 and 19). I asked Tory if she remembered singing it, and she said, “Oh, yes, I remember singing it at bedtime.” Bingo. She is exactly right.

The verse that follows says “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Then the Scripture goes on to say that those are the greatest commandments. Honestly, if we could live out those two commands, how much better would our lives be!


Nancy Happily said...

You always find a way to bring out the important heart of a message. Those together across the world would be so powerful!

Barbara said...

Thank you, Nancy, and you are right about our Source of Power!