Saturday, September 25, 2021

Beautiful Early Fall in the PNW

It’s upper 70’s and sunny here in southwest Washington. We are intentionally enjoying this weather, as the typical climate out here sets an expectation of the onset of “rainy” season (as in rain most every day for months) most any day now. 

I do my Bible studies, art, and scrapbooking projects from the table in the dining area, where my position gives me a beautiful view of evergreen trees and blue skies, out our sliding glass doors.

Working through “Joy is a Person: A Deep Dive into Philippians” by Robin Meadows as a personal Bible study right now, I will be adding to that a regular study through the book our church women are using for a mentoring program, “Flourish,” as I will be mentoring a lady from our church.

Determined to get back to the place of “where I left off” when I took the break from art while we moved from Missouri to Washington, I am working on watercolor pieces most every day right now. I can feel a little bit of progress, and truth is, the “place where I left off” was not much beyond beginner anyway. So I press onward. Here are some of the pieces I have completed since my previous blog post:

This one almost went into the trash before I finished it. Feathers and fur are much more difficult than still life, so why did I start my “return” with birds? Because I love them… Here is the reference photo this was painted from:

Next I painted a much easier, loose-style painting of a hummingbird. Along with starting back after several months away, I have changed brands of watercolor paint (from Winsor and Newton professional to Holbein professional), and while I do like the new paints (more creamy, spreadable, and more vibrant), there is a noticeable difference, so more to learn.

Then on to something easier—a poppy.

On a personal note, we are enjoying being in ONE place, living near to our son and daughter-in-law, our grandson and granddaughter-in-law and their two little ones, our great grandchildren. We love being in the same church were our son is the lead pastor and our grandson is the worship pastor. Tomorrow there will be a parent/baby dedication which will include our little 6-month old great granddaughter. 

God is good, and we are blessed. 

Closing with this verse from my study this week:
May the blessings of divine grace and supernatural peace that flow from God our wonderful Father, and our Messiah, the Lord Jesus, be upon your lives. Philippians 1:2 (The Passion Translation).

#FlourishAMentoringJourney #JoyisaPerson #watercolorpractice #watercolorbluebird #watercolorhummingbird #watercolorpoppy #PNW #PNWFall

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