Friday, September 17, 2021

“Back in the Saddle Again”

I realize that “back in the saddle again” is a very old-fashioned phrase, but it’s very descriptive. I have not done any art, or posting on my blog, for the longest time I’ve ever been away, I believe — five months. Lots has been happening in our lives, and the easy way was to just let it slide. Most of the time during that five months, when I was “in the mood,” my art supplies were not with me. Then when I had the supplies handy, I wasn’t in the mood!

This piece was done a few days after my last blog post. I really like this one, and I think it’s because I tend to like bright and vibrant colors.

During the five months, we sold our home in Missouri, gave away almost all of the furnishings in that home, packed up two big UHaul trailers to make two different trips (second time with help from son and grandson) to transport remaining belongings to Washington, and got all settled into our home in Washington (where we had lived about half of the time for the last three years). Everything is now unpacked and organized. Once my baby grand piano is delivered (in a few weeks), all my “stuff” will be in one place, for the first time in a very long time!

In the middle of selling the house and moving, I had Mohs surgery on two squamous cell carcinomas, one involving a skin graft as well. Still not all healed, but “on the mend,” at least.

I was also five months behind with scrapbooking, so the first thing I did after getting settled into our ONE home now, was to catch up on that project. Very relieved to have that done!

Now that “I’m back,” (as in “back in the saddle again”) with life being settled into a routine, I do want to return to the fun hobby of watercolor. So, this week I tried to see if it really was like “riding a bicycle.” It is not. I don’t have it “back” yet and so need to keep practicing. Here is my first “return to art” piece, completed earlier this week. Not happy with it.

#bluewatercolorbird #watercolorpractice #backinthesaddle #needtoworkhardertogetitback #scrapbooking #crosscountrymove #MO #WA


Kristy said...

Your art work is like medicine to the heart! So bright, cheerful and beautiful! Love your new posts!

Terra said...

Your bird paintings are beautiful, I like the vibrant red of the parrot and the blue of the bluebird. Prayers for your full healing with the skin graft and surgery, and welcome back to blogland.

Barbara said...

Thanks, Kristy, for the encouragement on my posts (and my art!). And thanks, Terra, for the compliments and for the prayers!!!