Prompt #46 for the Gratitude52 Art Journal Challenge is to illustrate your thankfulness for Thanksgiving. For so many reasons, I am thankful for this holiday.
I chose to revert to my days of using the art form of mixed media to create a page about Thanksgiving, using a copy of a hymn from a hymnal I have on hand.
Yes, Thanksgiving is all about WHO we are to thank, not so much about all the things we have (although we should be thankful for those things as well). So, I chose this hymn to use, even though it is not one I have ever sung, as far as I remember. I love the title, “In Thanksgiving, Let Us Praise Him.”
Thanksgiving has always meant time with family, for me. It is a time for feasting, and a time to be with family as we are all thankful together—thankful for God’s gift of His Son, and thankful that He gave us each other to family with!
This year, most of my family will gather at our home for our traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. We will love our time together, missing those who cannot be here, but focusing our attention on our reasons for giving thanks.
(Maybe I’ll post a few pictures from our together time.)
Happy Thanksgiving!
#Gratitude52Journal #Gratitude52Community #G52Prompt46 #Thanksgiving #mixedmedia #artjournal #family
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