Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Recommended: a New Faith Art Online Community

I am pleased to share information about a brand new, much-needed online community for faith artists. Some of my “friends” are teaming up to offer this awesome place.

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You can read all about it on the blog of one of the founders, here.

The description of the community includes this information (but you will want to follow the above link to get all the details and to sign up)!

His Kingdom Come will be a safe place to share your faith, be inspired, and explore creativity across many art mediums- journaling, mixed media, painting, bible journaling, textiles, water color and more. His Kingdom come will offer free tutorials, technique classes, devotionals, crafts to celebrate the holidays, opportunities to go deeper in your faith and in your knowledge of God and the Bible. His Kingdom Come will offer Christian artists a platform to host classes (free or fee-based) with a great profit sharing plan.  You can also advertise on His Kingdom Come. 

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