Saturday, May 18, 2013

“Rest” {and Restoration}

Window view

(Click image to enlarge.)

I have always loved the word “rest.” Just speaking the word gives me a good feeling. I love the word even more when it is linked with another of my favorite words: “restoration.” I really believe that restoration comes THROUGH rest. So, “rest” becomes pretty important, in the grand scheme of things.

Trials and burdens of late have conspired to make me tired. So, naturally, I have recently been especially drawn to every devotional thought, every Scripture that I see, that has to do with rest and restoration. God has placed two specific devotionals in my Inbox during the last week: “Learn to Rest” by Wendy Blight and “Space to Exhale” by Lysa TerKeurst (both of

Wendy wrote, “It’s easy to hide our exhausted souls. On the outside we may appear well-organized, emotionally stable, and put together. But on the inside we are often hopelessly overwhelmed and completely stressed out. The remedy for our weariness will not be found in a nap but in God alone.”

I like that.

There will likely be more art on this theme in the days to come, but today I finished an art journal project that I began while taking the “Art of Spring” class with Junelle Jacobsen. Having already sketched the window, I used “rest” as the theme to finish the pages.

Yes, my soul,
Find rest in God;
My hope
Comes from Him.

Psalm 62:5


SAMARA said...

WOW does this speak to me! I'm selling my house and going bonkers. (my blog post today is on this topic...soul stealing process.) I LOVE what you said about not napping but putting it in G-d's hands...I've been napping, well let's be honest...sleeping! Your art is very powerful and intense. When I look out the chapel windows I see a beautiful G-d driven sky. The clouds look SO real, like you could float away on them and truly rest with G-d in the best way and be RESTORED completely!!! Thanks for this post, it is beautiful! Lovies, Samara

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Great theme! I love the bricks and the window. This is a very peaceful scene.