Saturday, November 9, 2019

Come with Thanks {Bible Art Journaling}

Hopefully this blog post will arrive as an email in the inboxes of my blog subscribers, with the new delivery system I am trying (MailChimp). Trouble is, I can’t preview or test the email, so if it comes in with strange/wrong formatting, be patient...I’ll get it figured out eventually.

Today’s work is a Bible Art page that was inspired by my friend Jenna at She used a different passage, and she used acrylic paints. I prefer watercolor these days.

I love Thanksgiving season. Admittedly, one of the things I have always loved about it is that I most usually get to cook and serve a veritable feast for Thanksgiving Dinner to at least part of my family. Circumstances this year dictate that my husband and I will be alone for Thanksgiving. But it’s not ALL about family—it’s primarily about gratitude for God’s mercy and grace.

As I told our granddaughter, this year, Grandad and I will just have to have our “thankful for” time (our traditional time of going around the table to share our thank-you-fors) in our hearts.

There are so many verses in the Bible that remind us to give thanks. Here is the passage I chose for my art today:

O come, let us sing unto the Lord, let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
For the Lord is a great God, and a great King, above all gods.
Psalm 95:1-3 (KJV)

#BibleArtJournaling #BibleArt #thanksgiving #watercolorinmyBible

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