Saturday, December 10, 2016

Thankful for Warmth {Gratitude52 Art Journal}

G52 Prompt 48 Warmth

This is Prompt #48 out of 52 for 2016. Only four more to go!

Yes, I am thankful for warmth. I do think about that every winter. I think maybe that is one of those blessings that I do not often take for granted (there are many that I do, sadly).

A year or so ago, I learned of this happening in some city parks: People tie hand-knit scarves around the trees in the park, and anyone who needs a warm scarf can take one. I love the idea. I did an art piece on this about a year ago, and for this prompt on “Warmth,” I decided to create another one. I sketched with pencil and then painted with acrylic paint.

Interestingly, PRIOR to receiving the prompt from Gratitude52 Community for this week, I was thinking about being thankful for warmth, and a couple of weeks ago, I posted this on our Family Wall. My children/grandchildren were fascinated.

#ThankfulTuesday As the weather really does finally turn wintry, I am thankful for a warm house. I can remember the times when the only warm place in the house was right in front of the gas stove. Felt great while there, but when I ventured away from it, it was SO COLD. We would put our PJ's on top of the stove to warm them up before changing, to give us a little added warmth while we ran to our beds and jumped under the covers. True.

#Gratitude52Journal #Gratitude52Community #G52Prompt48 #ThankfulForWarmth #artjournal #acrylicpaint #SweaterTrees

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite pieces of art that you have done. Love it.


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