Monday, April 13, 2015

Tears in a Bottle {Art Journal}

DLP April 11 Tears in a Bottle

Have you ever thought about the hopeless feeling that accompanies crying deep, deep tears of sadness, when there is no one who really knows you are crying, or seems to care about your tears?

The first time I remember thinking about this was while my husband was in Viet Nam (1968-1969). We had been married almost three years when he was deployed (we didn’t call it that back then—I think we said “shipped out”). While he was gone (13 months), I finished my college degree, away from close family. During those months, I cried many tears, and I remember thinking that when my husband was with me, if I cried, he was there to comfort me (he hated it when I cried). But with his absence, there was the realization of the depth of sadness that accompanies crying, when there is no one there to comfort me or make me feel better.

So, I really love the verse that assures me that there is actually always Someone who truly cares about my tears. In fact, Psalm 56:8  says that God not only cares about my tears, but he collects them in a bottle. That says to me that He takes them. My tears become His, and I never again need to think that no one cares about my tears.

This project is my response to the Documented Life Project challenge for April 11. The art challenge is to use acrylic paints, and the prompt is “Cry Me a River.”

DLP April 11 Tears in a Bottle

You have collected all my tears in your bottle. - Psalm 56:8 (NLT)


  1. Beautiful post, Barb, and I really identify with it. I love that verse too. It is so comforting....Linda E.

  2. Thank you, Linda. I appreciate you so much!

  3. Wonderful page and post. That is such a beautiful verse. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh my. Wow. I did not remember that verse. I think your hermeneutics are actually very sound there. Great application. Very memorable, too.

  5. Thanks for your encouragement, Susan.

  6. Mark, thank you for the encouragement about the application. That's what Bible Art Journaling is for me, illustrating what the passage means to me so that I can more effectively apply it in my life.


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