Saturday, May 31, 2014

He Lights My Path

light to my path with varnish

For my Sunday Mornings online class, this was one of the Scripture passages that was used for inspiration. This is the image that came to my mind as I thought about that familiar passage.

light my path flat side view

This piece, created on a 6x6 birch panel, actually started like this:

michelle sylvia project background

That was the background I created before I knew exactly what I wanted to do with the verse. I used several stencils, spray paint, tube paint, tissue paper, etc. Then, I just started painting over the background, and in the end, almost none of it is visible through the painting. But, that’s okay. That’s mixed media—lots of layers, most of them covered up in the final piece!

I am so thankful that God’s Word serves as my guide through life. It truly is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

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