Thursday, June 13, 2013

So Many Journals, So Little Time

It’s not surprising that I have seven art journals in progress, since I have six writing journals in progress—and oh, yes, then there’s my Smash journal. And I should add that I scrapbook everything, so I complete 2-3 large scrapbooks each year.

You might think it would be wiser to focus on one or two journals at a time. You might be right. But for me, for now, this works, because each has a separate purpose, and I pick up the journal that fits my mood at the time. As far as art journals, for example, I have an Inspiration Journal (funny that I started one just for that, as almost every page I do, in every journal, has an inspiration theme), two or three journals specific to online classes I am taking, two journals that are altered books (one an antique), and one journal that contains my first art journal attempts and remains my practice journal.

I always begin a journal on the second or third page, and I leave the cover as is, for a while. Last weekend I decided to finish the front covers of a couple of my journals, while having my own private art retreat while hubby was on a golf trip. One is a small bound journal that I work in routinely, and the other is that original/still Practice Journal.

unfinished front canson bound



art journal cover ala Balzer wm

(using technique learned from Julie Balzer in a Sakura YouTube video, using Sakura Souffle Pens and Signo Uniball White—I’m not so great at this…my husband asked, “What is it?”)


unfinished front canson spiral



practice art journal cover wm


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