Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Christmas Tag Christmas Tree

Several have asked that I post pictures of my “tag tree” in the lower level of our house. We have three trees, and this is the “old-fashioned theme” one in the lower level, where some of my teddy bears and dolls, as well as my husband’s very first electric train, reside during this Christmas season. The tree has about 26 tags on it so far (made this season and last), more to be added.



  1. I love your Tag Tree! Looks great with the train set and teddies!
    Great job!

  2. How fabulous that you have a tag tree, Barb. Love it!

  3. Beautiful!! I love the most recent 3 tags you made too - esp. the lampost "let it snow" one. Too cool!

  4. Love that you got dad in one shot watching is Polar Express train. I want to sleep in front of that tree. LOL. Can't wait to see it LIVE! Soon and very soon!


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