Saturday, November 24, 2012

Christmas Tag–O Holy Night

o holy night 5 w border

Love this tag as it exemplifies the real meaning of Christmas, the coming of The Messiah.

o holy night 2 w border

o holy night 3 w border


  1. Beautiful!!! Love the background and love the theme!!!

  2. So glad you found that manger! I hoped you would! It looks fabulous here, and your leathery background is beyond gorgeous!!! The colors are perfect for this scene...the ULTIMATE scene! I'm pinning!!!!

  3. ANITA--Thanks!! And yes, that is the manger charm I saw on one of your tags last year, AND, drum roll...this is the technique I actually learned from YOUR video tutorial! YAY ANITA!!

  4. My favorite Christmas song. The star look like it is shining down. The tag is gorgeous Barb.


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