Thursday, May 10, 2012

Flight Tag

flight2 w border.jpg

I already confessed to craziness over the Spring Seasonal Distress Inks. At this point, anything not nailed down is getting inked. Seriously, I had some odds and ends of projects around the craft room, and it took me about five minutes to pull them all together into this tag. I had stamped the ATC-sized image (one of Tim’s stamps) a few weeks ago just to see how it looked. I had a background piece from using alcohol ink on glossy card stock (don’t even remember the colors, but I think Bottle and Sailboat were in there). I inked the stamped image just as an excuse to use the spring colors. AFTER I inked it, I happened to notice it blended well with the inked card stock. Then, I was looking for an opportunity to actually use some of the tickets I have been making. Since it was inked with—you guessed it—the ticket also seemed to “work.” Anyway, here it is, a composite of left-overs.


  1. Very, Very pretty. I understand your need to ink. Right now my hands are about 10 shades, my nails a mess, but me I am happy :)

  2. Your tag is so pretty! I love Tim's new spring colors of Distress Inks! You have done a very nice job of stamping his smaller ATC collage stamp and then working it into a beautiful tag! Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy

  3. Love this tag - isn't it crazy the way some creations seem to take forever to evolve and complete!
    My favourite part is that ticket. Did you glaze the birds? Usually words and/or numbers are added to them, so to see something different is great.
    Hugs, Buttons x

  4. OH Very Pretty!! I love the color and that stamp is perfect!!

  5. Beautiful! Love the black background... it showcases those gorgeous new colors. Your ticket is fab, too, and I like the way you attached it.


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